Friday, March 18, 2005


A new Blog.... just what the NET needed. RIIIIGHT. Ah well everyone needs a place to call their own and I think this may be mine.

For the few who might not know



I don't know if he is the one who coined the term or not but my introduction to this term came through the works of Robert A. Hienlien. It is a pretty self explanatory phrase.

I am not sure what in particular this Blog will cover. Books I am reading or have read, tech news, politics, Space news are all likely candidates however my intrests are varied and my attention span non-existent. So who knows. This might be the only entry I ever make. Only Time will tell.

Who am I and what do I do ? Well Tmortn is who I am, those who know understand and those who don't... well it is a long story and you had to be there. Needless to say it is a moniker I am stuck with so I suppose it is a good thing I like it. I hold a Poly Sci BS with a Minor in Comp Sci. I played competitive baseball from the time I was knee high to a gopher until graduating College and learned to play Trumpet and Guitar along the way. So I am a muscially inclined jock trained in political science in addition to being a full blown GEEK. As for what I do with this oddball collection of talents and knowledge? I am a flight controler for ISS ( International Space Station ) payload ops at MSFC ( Marshal Space Flight Center ). Enough with the introduction. I already know it and I doubt anyone reading this cares if they don't already know me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I just wanted to give a greeting and tell you I like your blog.