Sunday, May 14, 2006

The New Al Gore

I suppose this entry could be considered an update on my thoughts regarding the 2008 presidential election. Which if you haven't figured it out yet is probably going to shape up to be one of the most pivotal elections in US history. It is absolutely amazing how many issues are comming to a head currently and we have a president going down in flames. The top candidates to replace him hail from the never before.... legitimate women candidates on BOTH sides of the table.

I still think Condi is a bit weak as a Republican Candidate... and her proximity and rise under the Bush administration is potentially going to be a burden if the current administration continues to flame out like this. However her stock has risen considerably since I last discussed this issue more than a year ago when I considered her at best a VP candidate.

Hillary is still looking quite strong. She hasn't done anything to hurt her self and she has made many many many moves to the center. Perahaps the most visible her ridiculous charge on the video game industry rating woes. Come on Hillary... with a war on and a portential move into Iran brewing you couldn't think of anything better to jump on?

But look out folks here comes a guy we all more or less thought was gone. Mr. Al Gore He is back, he is loose, he grew himself a personality, a sense of humor and even got official props from the internet community for what the media turned into his biggest goof. Remember the oft played spoof "I INVENTED THE INTERNET". Well he certianly didn't invent it but as a memeber of a key subcommitte in the senate he had a great deal to do with its acendency and he has since been well recognised for his efforts. This is like if webster had taken Quayels potato'e' gaff and redefined the worde to include the 'e'. Only in this case Gore's claims were correct where Quayles were just another sad slip of the tounge from an otherwise highly intelligent person.

He says he isn't a contender in '08 but he is popping up in an awful lot of places lately and the democratic party needs someone to come together behind. Until this recent ressurgence by Gore the only real candidate was Hillary and the baggage of Bill is very very heavy there. It wouldn't take a whole lot to swing the builk of the democrats to another horse. If Gore keeps up this return to center stage he is going to be a serious contender for president. In fact I almost hope he takes this new humor and frank admission of his flaws on through the entire journey. The US is ready for a change in presidential candidates. My guess? If he starts stiffining back up and goes all 'presidential' he will be brushed aside in favor of Hillary.

On the other hand it is quite possible he really has removed himself from that realm. But if he keeps goign like he will have beat of the democratic national party with a stick. Cause the guy has a vibe going and the last time I recall anything remotely like it was back in 92 when another southern boy with a glib sense of humor was making the rounds. Remember the presidential candidate that actually got up on stage and played a sax for cryin out loud ?

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